Sunday, January 6, 2008

Earwires, and More Earwires!

When I design a pair of earrings, I always try to match an earwire that I think coordinates with the overall style of the earring. Lately, I have tried to incorporate more choices, including post styles, and always offer a switch-a-roo if the buyer has another preference.

Although, I have to admit, on occasion, I've tried to talk buyers out of a switch because I thought they were going the wrong direction with the design of the earring! Not sure if this is appreciated, or not!

Anyway...from top to bottom, here are a few examples: simple post, slipless earwire, perfect balance earwire, handmade earwire. Of course, the handmade earwire is the most unique, but also time consuming and therefore often a more pricey choice. And I'm often asked if the "slipless" earwires are uncomfortable...I don't think so, the wire is very thin, but the twist helps them from backing out.

Personally, I prefer leverbacks. They don't take away from the design of any earring, are lightweight, and won't come undone or slip out. Handmade earwires with a long length of wire at the back are also a favorite choice of mine.

What's your preference? Take my poll on the right hand side, and let's find out.

Thanks for your participation!


Marie Cristine said...

I voted for handmade ear wires of various styles. Sometimes the ear wire "makes" the earring!

OMB said...

I love the leverback. Earrings are my weakness and I buy all styles.