Friday, July 1, 2011

Self-Importance: A Social Comment

I don't generally use my blog to rant or rave about the things that go on in daily life that annoy me.  Goodness knows there could be plenty of topics if I chose to focus on them. 

However, I had several experiences yesterday that really make me wonder about people and the direction society is headed.  What has happened to graciousness in this world?  What has happened to concern for others?  And, what has happened to common courtesy and patience?

There was the lady at the hair salon who reamed out the hairdresser because she thought her long hair had been trimmed 1 inch too short after it had dried.  She made me 20 minutes late for my appointment while she continued to complain.

There was another lady, drinking so much wine while she had her hair colored, that she was stumbling and spilling everywhere.  She was becoming more demanding by the second for the staff to keep waiting on her every need.

Then, there was my elderly neighbor who was honked at, shouted out, and suffered through several obscene hand gestures because she had pulled over on a residential street to save a baby bird.

By the end of the day, I was appalled that so many people thought the world should be revolving around them.

My message is this:  Be kind and think of others.  All of us will have a better world to live in because of it.


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